It is take place in theaters, village’s halls and community centers.
And pantomime start on Boxing Day and perform for two or three months in theaters all over the country.
I think that Yahoo! or Google want to inform us much information. Now we can buy many goods on internet. Moreover, we can put a thing up at auction and bid a thing at auction. Yahoo! or Google want to use the system more people. But, we cost money by using our computer. They gave us much information but we are used money by Yahoo! or Google.
5.The purpose of all the above is to make money. That is the purpose of all these businesses. How do they make money? By getting as many readers or viewers (”eyeballs”) as possible. If their purpose is to get as many readers or viewers or “eyeballs” as possible, then what kind of news will they publish? Give 2 or 3 examples. What kind of news will they not publish? Give 2 or 3 examples.
They will publish→sports, happy news(someone marry him or her)
They will not publish→politics and scandal
6.Find a news article in English that interests you, and write about it on your blog. Write a summary of the article, then your thoughts about it, and any interesting English words or expressions or grammar you learned from reading this.
This article is very interesting.
We can critic Oscar’s film on BBC.
For example, The Golden Compass.