
January 25th 2008

1.Look at this photo and answer the questions

1.Where was this photo taken?
2.When was it taken?
3.What does the caption say under the photo?
4.Translate the caption into Japanese.
5.“Crowds cheer” = how many people, do you think?

Wednesday, April 9, 2003
Crowds cheer as a statue of Saddam Hussein falls.
Many people who lived in Baghdad(Iraq) fall a statute (Saddam Hussein).
⑤Most people who live in the town
I think crowds are 30,000 people.

2.①I think people are 20,000.
②No, I don’t. I think that I fall the statue, and there are a happy person and a sad person.
③I thought the people work together and they fall the statue.
So, I think it can’t be helped even if this case happens.
④I think we can understand the picture easily.
Because we look the picture and we can understand that square is how large.
And I understand what there is where.
⑤I saw the pictures and could understand that it was bad event.
If I was the place then, I would run away from there.
I don’t want to happen same event in Japan.

3.I think it’s not bad for newspaper to lie sometimes.
If newspaper lies to us, we can’t believe anything information!!

4.I will check on Internet.
And I will listen to many people opinion.
And I will read different newspapers.



January 18th, 2008

1. How many Muslims live in Britain?
2.How many Hindus live in Britain?
500, 000 Hindus
3.Muslims 日本語→http://www.weblio.jp/content/%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A9% E3%83%A0%E6%95%99#.E4.BF.A1.E5.BE.92.E6.95.B0.E3.81.A8.E5.88.86.E5.B8.83

・Student Times
Friday, December 28, 2007
Vol.57 No.52

I read this article "Monks, nuns hold fashion show". When my family and my friend died, I go to the temple. The temple was a place just for funerals. But it was mistake!! Many monks and nuns hold fashion show. Of course, their fashion was “kesa (a surplice or robe worn by Buddhist priests)”. THE show started with a rap version of a Buddhist sutra. Why did they do such fashion show? Because they want to show the young people that Buddhism is cool. I thought that they were hard to approach. But, when I read this article, I was interested temples and Buddhism a little.


January 11th, 2008

1.I had part-time job for New Year holidays. But I ate a rice cake in a house and ate New Year dishes. And my grandmother is going into the hospital now. So, I wanted to go for the visit of my grandmother. However, I couldn’t go for a visit my grandmother because I was very busy. I am very sad. But, she is going to leave the hospital this Sunday.

③JRR Tolkie
He wrote "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings".
④Guru Gobind Singh(Sikh)
Because introduced many of the customs that Sikhs practise today.
⑤Elvis Presley
He spread Rock'n’ Roll in the world.→http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvis_Presley
⑦Yuma Ashura
⑧AA Milne
⑨Sir Winston Churchill
He took Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953
⑩This calendar is very interesting. As well as the event of the day, I can understand what kind of person played an active part in old days. Although I don’t like the world history, I can understand this calendar.

