
December 7th

1.BEOWULF This is story that legendary hero flourished in ancient.
Ray Winstone appeas as hero and Angelina Jolie as hero's enemy.
This movie is being devil and he will fight many enemy.
The Golden Compass This story is the world of a golden compass. This world is being apirit. And the spirits live with human beings.
3.①Beowulf is super soldier.

③It was spoken between the mid-5th century and the mid-12th century. Old English was spoken in England.

⑥Beowlf and Grendel's mother are main characters.
⑦ Beowulf was a king but he was a old man. He fight dragon and died.
⑧Robert Zemeckis
He directed "The Polar Express" I have not seen his works.
⑨Ray Winstone is Beowulf.
1997 1998
Nil by Mouth Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laure Pederesen

2004 2005
King Arthur The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
I have not seen whivh movies.

⑪Philip Nicholas Outram Pullman
⑫ Main characters are Lila and Mrs. Coulter and Lord Alice L


⑮ Chris Waitz
I know Mr.&Mrs. Smith. I like this movie.
⑯ Main actor is Dakota blue Richards.

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